Judy and Leslie are excited to be hosting this breakfast training session in Winnipeg on March 20th!
Leslie Schaff, Globus Family of Brands and Judy will be teaming up to host this in-person training. This training session will build your confidence with each of our respective brands to help you increase your sales!
Date: Wednesday, March 20th, 2024
Venue: Centro Caboto Center, 1055 Wilkes Avenue, Winnipeg
Time: 8:00am Breakfast – 8:30am-10:30am training
You will find attached the QR code if you wish to register by downloading the code OR, you can click on the below registration link.
RSVP deadline: Thursday, March 14th
Please forward this along to your teams to ensure they have seen this in-person training opportunity.
Note: we will be guaranteeing final numbers for catering on Friday March 16th, if you have RSVP’d, please be respectful and do not be a no-show.
We look forward to seeing you in Winnipeg!
Judy and Leslie